Revalidation SEP(land) / TMG (Training Flight)
Take your time to correctly fill the application. The first page of “Revalidation SEP(land) / TMG (Training Flight) – FCL.740.A(b)(1)(iii)” with your details will be sent to Dekeleia Aeroclub FOM.
1. Type of application
SEP (land)TMG
2. Applicant
Name (required)
Surname (required)
Father's Name (required)
Address (required)
City (required)
Post Code (required)
Counrty (required)
ID or Passport Number (required)
Mobile (required)
Country, Type & No of License held. example: PPL(H) EL.FCL.1234 (required)
Date of Birth (required)
Place of Birth (required)
Nationallity (required)
Citizenship (required)